Our Vision
Our Vision is simple: We want to improve our members professionally, technically, and personally. We want to help our members grow throughout their college career, whether they enter as a first-year university student or as a transfer student.

What we do!
Every quarter, we focus on improving specific aspects of our members. In the Fall, we develop professional resumes, build all-star LinkedIns, and offer workshops on Applying Effectively at companies from the Big 4 to startups. In the Winter, we introduce technical pathways ranging from web/app development to security to cloud computing. In the Spring, we focus on all the small engineering cruft that is expected knowledge for CS students that classes don't cover: Offline Editing, Source Control, Using APIs, and more.

Why we do it!
We want UCR to become a premier institution for Computer Science and Engineering. University courses provide a good foundation, but we strive to build upon that. So we supplement the curriculum with workshops tailored to our members and their goals. We do this through an amazing 1:1 Mentor program, and constant feedback from our members. But more importantly, we want our members to make a positive difference in the world through software. The success of ACM at UCR can only be measured by the success of our members.